16-yr-old battles blood cancer scores 96.4%

    Mumbai: On the first day of Di- wali last October, Aryan Rahate (16), the captain of his school Parle Tilak Vidyalaya's football team, started experiencing spi- kes of fever and fatigue. On November 1, 2022, he was diagnosed with Acu- te Lymphoblastic Leukaemia, a type of blood can- cer that affects the white blood cells. But Aryan was determined to give his boards. Despite missing school and coaching classes, he worked hard to keep up with his studies. His school too extended the deadline for submission of his projects and assignments. Finally, all the efforts paid off. He scored 96.4% in ICSE exams.

16-yr-old battles blood cancer scores 96.4    Aryan is on his road to reco- very, but the journey has been a roller-coaster ride. He did not just write his exams in an isolated classroom, three papers we- re given from Santacruz's Surya Hospital bed. "Top haematolo- gists had given us the confiden- ce that childhood leukemia is curable," said Aryan's mother Smita. He lost his hair due to the chemo, but he never lost his smile or his determination to fight. "Aryan's first MRD test report in December to 2022 was not encoura- ging, but he was defiant. One thing he didn't lose is his love for food...That kept his spirits high," said Smita. His treating doctor, Dr Nisha Iyer, also did not lose hope and started giving him intense chemotherapy which lasted for two months.

     On February 20, Aryan's 2nd MRD test came negative, mea- ning that he had gone in comple- te remission.

दिनांक 06-07-2023 05:56:02
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